Jesus' conception and birth
Jesus' birth into this world was divine.
The Holy Ghost overshadowed his mother Mary; and Jesus
was conceived in her womb.
Before Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb, what would
happen was announced by the angel Gabriel, who was
sent from God to Mary, a virgin.
Early life
Jesus was about his father's business.
Jesus began and continued to fulfill the Word of God.
He came to John the Baptist and was baptized.
Jesus' mission and ministry
Jesus lived and taught what became the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus fulfilled the Word of God. He lived the Word and taught the Word.
He calls to us to learn what he taught: the many miracles he did;
the doctrine he gave, confirmed, and clarified.
Crucifixion (His purpose, sentence and Death)
Jesus was crucified. He believe and fulfilled the Word of God faithfully unto death.
Jesus died, but as he foretold those, who would read the account, by the power of our Lord (and Savior)
he came back to life.
God the father was glorified in His Son, Jesus, as he glorified his Son.
After he conquered death - He, the resurrection and the life: walked,
he talked, he ate, he expounded and gave instructions.
He ascended back to God the father.
Now Jesus:
Is making intercession for you and I.
He sits at the right hand of the Father, the Lord God Almighty.
Jesus is alive, we can feel the living spirit of God.
Jesus' birth into this world was divine.
The Holy Ghost overshadowed his mother Mary; and Jesus
was conceived in her womb.
Before Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb, what would
happen was announced by the angel Gabriel, who was
sent from God to Mary, a virgin.
Early life
Jesus was about his father's business.
Jesus began and continued to fulfill the Word of God.
He came to John the Baptist and was baptized.
Jesus' mission and ministry
Jesus lived and taught what became the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus fulfilled the Word of God. He lived the Word and taught the Word.
He calls to us to learn what he taught: the many miracles he did;
the doctrine he gave, confirmed, and clarified.
Crucifixion (His purpose, sentence and Death)
Jesus was crucified. He believe and fulfilled the Word of God faithfully unto death.
Jesus died, but as he foretold those, who would read the account, by the power of our Lord (and Savior)
he came back to life.
God the father was glorified in His Son, Jesus, as he glorified his Son.
After he conquered death - He, the resurrection and the life: walked,
he talked, he ate, he expounded and gave instructions.
He ascended back to God the father.
Now Jesus:
Is making intercession for you and I.
He sits at the right hand of the Father, the Lord God Almighty.
Jesus is alive, we can feel the living spirit of God.